Heat Curing of coatings?

JRC gets asked many times why They choose to Infrared cure coatings whilst many other companies do not do this.

Key benefits to why JRC uses  infrared curing on ceramic coatings:

Enhanced durability: IR curing can help to improve the overall durability of ceramic coating, making it more denser, compact and ultimately more resistant to wear and tear over time. By that we mean, Ir Curing/drying of coatings will offer a dense harder, wearing material. Which will also reduce any physical abrasion. And offer a higher scratch resistance in terms of wash marring on the paintwork.

Increased corrosion resistance: Ceramic coatings can provide excellent corrosion protection to the substrate they are applied to, and infrared curing can help to enhance this property.

Faster curing times: The fast curing times of infrared curing can help us to speed up the production process when applying ceramic coatings enabling the customer to get their vehicle sooner.

Versatility: IR curing can be used on true ceramic coatings, making it a versatile option for for installers as this will allow the coating to (Harden/Crystalize)

Smooth finish: Infrared curing can help to produce a smooth, high-quality finish on ceramic coatings.



Get in touch to request a quote

JRC Detailing LTD
Unit 2 Wardes Road
Inverurie, Aberdeenshire
AB51 3TT
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